package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) var vects = flag.Uint64("vects", 20, "number of vects (data+parity)") var data = flag.Uint64("data", 0, "number of data vects; keep it empty if you want to "+ "get the max num of inverse matrix") func init() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Printf("Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Println(" cntinverse [-flags]") fmt.Println(" Valid flags:") flag.PrintDefaults() } } func main() { flag.Parse() if *vects > 256 { fmt.Println("Error: vects must <= 256") os.Exit(1) } if *data == 0 { n := getMAXCCombination(*vects) fmt.Println("max num of inverse matrix :", n) os.Exit(0) } n := getCCombination(*vects, *data) fmt.Println("num of inverse matrix:", n) os.Exit(0) } func getMAXCCombination(a uint64) uint64 { b := a / 2 // proved in mathtool/combination.jpg return getCCombination(a, b) } func getCCombination(a, b uint64) uint64 { top := make([]uint64, a-b) bottom := make([]uint64, a-b-1) for i := b + 1; i <= a; i++ { top[i-b-1] = i } var i uint64 for i = 2; i <= a-b; i++ { bottom[i-2] = i } for j := 0; j <= 5; j++ { cleanEven(top, bottom) clean3(top, bottom) clean5(top, bottom) } cleanCoffeRound1(top, bottom) if maxBottomBigger5more1(bottom) { top = shuffTop(top) cleanCoffeRound1(top, bottom) cleanCoffeRound1(bottom, top) cleanCoffeRound1(top, bottom) cleanCoffeRound1(bottom, top) cleanCoffeRound1(top, bottom) cleanCoffeRound1(bottom, top) } var topV, bottomV uint64 = 1, 1 for _, t := range top { topV = topV * t } for _, b := range bottom { bottomV = bottomV * b } return topV / bottomV } func cleanEven(top, bottom []uint64) { for i, b := range bottom { if even(b) { for j, t := range top { if even(t) { top[j] = t / 2 bottom[i] = b / 2 break } } } } } func even(a uint64) bool { return a&1 == 0 } func clean3(top, bottom []uint64) { for i, b := range bottom { if mod3(b) { for j, t := range top { if mod3(t) { top[j] = t / 3 bottom[i] = b / 3 break } } } } } func mod3(a uint64) bool { c := a / 3 if 3*c == a { return true } return false } func clean5(top, bottom []uint64) { for i, b := range bottom { if mod5(b) { for j, t := range top { if mod5(t) { top[j] = t / 5 bottom[i] = b / 5 break } } } } } func mod5(a uint64) bool { c := a / 5 if 5*c == a { return true } return false } func maxBottomBigger5more1(bottom []uint64) bool { cnt := 0 for _, b := range bottom { if b >= 5 { cnt++ } } if cnt >= 2 { return true } return false } func cleanCoffeRound1(top, bottom []uint64) { for i, b := range bottom { for j, t := range top { if isCoffe(b, t) { top[j] = t / b bottom[i] = 1 break } } } } func isCoffe(b, t uint64) bool { c := t / b if c*b == t { return true } return false } func shuffTop(top []uint64) []uint64 { var tmp uint64 = 1 newLen := len(top) + 1 for i, t := range top { if t <= 5 { tmp = tmp * t newLen-- top[i] = 1 } } topNew := make([]uint64, newLen) topNew[0] = tmp cnt := 1 for _, t := range top { if t != 1 { topNew[cnt] = t cnt++ } } return topNew }