// Copyright 2016 fatedier, fatedier@gmail.com // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package config import ( "fmt" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "github.com/fatedier/frp/models/consts" "github.com/fatedier/frp/models/msg" "github.com/fatedier/frp/utils/util" ini "github.com/vaughan0/go-ini" ) var ( proxyConfTypeMap map[string]reflect.Type ) func init() { proxyConfTypeMap = make(map[string]reflect.Type) proxyConfTypeMap[consts.TcpProxy] = reflect.TypeOf(TcpProxyConf{}) proxyConfTypeMap[consts.UdpProxy] = reflect.TypeOf(UdpProxyConf{}) proxyConfTypeMap[consts.HttpProxy] = reflect.TypeOf(HttpProxyConf{}) proxyConfTypeMap[consts.HttpsProxy] = reflect.TypeOf(HttpsProxyConf{}) proxyConfTypeMap[consts.StcpProxy] = reflect.TypeOf(StcpProxyConf{}) proxyConfTypeMap[consts.XtcpProxy] = reflect.TypeOf(XtcpProxyConf{}) } // NewConfByType creates a empty ProxyConf object by proxyType. // If proxyType isn't exist, return nil. func NewConfByType(proxyType string) ProxyConf { v, ok := proxyConfTypeMap[proxyType] if !ok { return nil } cfg := reflect.New(v).Interface().(ProxyConf) return cfg } type ProxyConf interface { GetBaseInfo() *BaseProxyConf UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, conf ini.Section) error MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) CheckForCli() error CheckForSvr() error Compare(conf ProxyConf) bool } func NewProxyConfFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) (cfg ProxyConf, err error) { if pMsg.ProxyType == "" { pMsg.ProxyType = consts.TcpProxy } cfg = NewConfByType(pMsg.ProxyType) if cfg == nil { err = fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] type [%s] error", pMsg.ProxyName, pMsg.ProxyType) return } cfg.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) err = cfg.CheckForSvr() return } func NewProxyConfFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (cfg ProxyConf, err error) { proxyType := section["type"] if proxyType == "" { proxyType = consts.TcpProxy section["type"] = consts.TcpProxy } cfg = NewConfByType(proxyType) if cfg == nil { err = fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] type [%s] error", name, proxyType) return } if err = cfg.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.CheckForCli(); err != nil { return } return } // BaseProxy info type BaseProxyConf struct { ProxyName string `json:"proxy_name"` ProxyType string `json:"proxy_type"` UseEncryption bool `json:"use_encryption"` UseCompression bool `json:"use_compression"` Group string `json:"group"` GroupKey string `json:"group_key"` LocalSvrConf HealthCheckConf // only used for client } func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) GetBaseInfo() *BaseProxyConf { return cfg } func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) compare(cmp *BaseProxyConf) bool { if cfg.ProxyName != cmp.ProxyName || cfg.ProxyType != cmp.ProxyType || cfg.UseEncryption != cmp.UseEncryption || cfg.UseCompression != cmp.UseCompression || cfg.Group != cmp.Group || cfg.GroupKey != cmp.GroupKey { return false } if !cfg.LocalSvrConf.compare(&cmp.LocalSvrConf) { return false } if !cfg.HealthCheckConf.compare(&cmp.HealthCheckConf) { return false } return true } func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.ProxyName = pMsg.ProxyName cfg.ProxyType = pMsg.ProxyType cfg.UseEncryption = pMsg.UseEncryption cfg.UseCompression = pMsg.UseCompression cfg.Group = pMsg.Group cfg.GroupKey = pMsg.GroupKey } func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) error { var ( tmpStr string ok bool ) cfg.ProxyName = prefix + name cfg.ProxyType = section["type"] tmpStr, ok = section["use_encryption"] if ok && tmpStr == "true" { cfg.UseEncryption = true } tmpStr, ok = section["use_compression"] if ok && tmpStr == "true" { cfg.UseCompression = true } cfg.Group = section["group"] cfg.GroupKey = section["group_key"] if err := cfg.LocalSvrConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return err } if err := cfg.HealthCheckConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { pMsg.ProxyName = cfg.ProxyName pMsg.ProxyType = cfg.ProxyType pMsg.UseEncryption = cfg.UseEncryption pMsg.UseCompression = cfg.UseCompression pMsg.Group = cfg.Group pMsg.GroupKey = cfg.GroupKey } func (cfg *BaseProxyConf) checkForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.LocalSvrConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.HealthCheckConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } return nil } // Bind info type BindInfoConf struct { RemotePort int `json:"remote_port"` } func (cfg *BindInfoConf) compare(cmp *BindInfoConf) bool { if cfg.RemotePort != cmp.RemotePort { return false } return true } func (cfg *BindInfoConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.RemotePort = pMsg.RemotePort } func (cfg *BindInfoConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { var ( tmpStr string ok bool v int64 ) if tmpStr, ok = section["remote_port"]; ok { if v, err = strconv.ParseInt(tmpStr, 10, 64); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: proxy [%s] remote_port error", name) } else { cfg.RemotePort = int(v) } } else { return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: proxy [%s] remote_port not found", name) } return nil } func (cfg *BindInfoConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { pMsg.RemotePort = cfg.RemotePort } // Domain info type DomainConf struct { CustomDomains []string `json:"custom_domains"` SubDomain string `json:"sub_domain"` } func (cfg *DomainConf) compare(cmp *DomainConf) bool { if strings.Join(cfg.CustomDomains, " ") != strings.Join(cmp.CustomDomains, " ") || cfg.SubDomain != cmp.SubDomain { return false } return true } func (cfg *DomainConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.CustomDomains = pMsg.CustomDomains cfg.SubDomain = pMsg.SubDomain } func (cfg *DomainConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { var ( tmpStr string ok bool ) if tmpStr, ok = section["custom_domains"]; ok { cfg.CustomDomains = strings.Split(tmpStr, ",") for i, domain := range cfg.CustomDomains { cfg.CustomDomains[i] = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(domain)) } } if tmpStr, ok = section["subdomain"]; ok { cfg.SubDomain = tmpStr } return } func (cfg *DomainConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { pMsg.CustomDomains = cfg.CustomDomains pMsg.SubDomain = cfg.SubDomain } func (cfg *DomainConf) check() (err error) { if len(cfg.CustomDomains) == 0 && cfg.SubDomain == "" { err = fmt.Errorf("custom_domains and subdomain should set at least one of them") return } return } func (cfg *DomainConf) checkForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.check(); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *DomainConf) checkForSvr() (err error) { if err = cfg.check(); err != nil { return } for _, domain := range cfg.CustomDomains { if subDomainHost != "" && len(strings.Split(subDomainHost, ".")) < len(strings.Split(domain, ".")) { if strings.Contains(domain, subDomainHost) { return fmt.Errorf("custom domain [%s] should not belong to subdomain_host [%s]", domain, subDomainHost) } } } if cfg.SubDomain != "" { if subDomainHost == "" { return fmt.Errorf("subdomain is not supported because this feature is not enabled in remote frps") } if strings.Contains(cfg.SubDomain, ".") || strings.Contains(cfg.SubDomain, "*") { return fmt.Errorf("'.' and '*' is not supported in subdomain") } } return } // Local service info type LocalSvrConf struct { LocalIp string `json:"local_ip"` LocalPort int `json:"local_port"` Plugin string `json:"plugin"` PluginParams map[string]string `json:"plugin_params"` } func (cfg *LocalSvrConf) compare(cmp *LocalSvrConf) bool { if cfg.LocalIp != cmp.LocalIp || cfg.LocalPort != cmp.LocalPort { return false } if cfg.Plugin != cmp.Plugin || len(cfg.PluginParams) != len(cmp.PluginParams) { return false } for k, v := range cfg.PluginParams { value, ok := cmp.PluginParams[k] if !ok || v != value { return false } } return true } func (cfg *LocalSvrConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { cfg.Plugin = section["plugin"] cfg.PluginParams = make(map[string]string) if cfg.Plugin != "" { // get params begin with "plugin_" for k, v := range section { if strings.HasPrefix(k, "plugin_") { cfg.PluginParams[k] = v } } } else { if cfg.LocalIp = section["local_ip"]; cfg.LocalIp == "" { cfg.LocalIp = "" } if tmpStr, ok := section["local_port"]; ok { if cfg.LocalPort, err = strconv.Atoi(tmpStr); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: proxy [%s] local_port error", name) } } else { return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: proxy [%s] local_port not found", name) } } return } func (cfg *LocalSvrConf) checkForCli() (err error) { if cfg.Plugin == "" { if cfg.LocalIp == "" { err = fmt.Errorf("local ip or plugin is required") return } if cfg.LocalPort <= 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("error local_port") return } } return } // Health check info type HealthCheckConf struct { HealthCheckType string `json:"health_check_type"` // tcp | http HealthCheckIntervalS int `json:"health_check_interval_s"` HealthCheckUrl string `json:"health_check_url"` // local_ip + local_port HealthCheckAddr string `json:"-"` } func (cfg *HealthCheckConf) compare(cmp *HealthCheckConf) bool { if cfg.HealthCheckType != cmp.HealthCheckType || cfg.HealthCheckUrl != cmp.HealthCheckUrl || cfg.HealthCheckIntervalS != cmp.HealthCheckIntervalS { return false } return true } func (cfg *HealthCheckConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { cfg.HealthCheckType = section["health_check_type"] cfg.HealthCheckUrl = section["health_check_url"] if tmpStr, ok := section["health_check_interval_s"]; ok { if cfg.HealthCheckIntervalS, err = strconv.Atoi(tmpStr); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: proxy [%s] health_check_interval_s error", name) } } return } func (cfg *HealthCheckConf) checkForCli() error { if cfg.HealthCheckType != "" && cfg.HealthCheckType != "tcp" && cfg.HealthCheckType != "http" { return fmt.Errorf("unsupport health check type") } if cfg.HealthCheckType != "" { if cfg.HealthCheckType == "http" && cfg.HealthCheckUrl == "" { return fmt.Errorf("health_check_url is required for health check type 'http'") } if cfg.HealthCheckIntervalS <= 0 { return fmt.Errorf("health_check_interval_s is required and should greater than 0") } } return nil } // TCP type TcpProxyConf struct { BaseProxyConf BindInfoConf } func (cfg *TcpProxyConf) Compare(cmp ProxyConf) bool { cmpConf, ok := cmp.(*TcpProxyConf) if !ok { return false } if !cfg.BaseProxyConf.compare(&cmpConf.BaseProxyConf) || !cfg.BindInfoConf.compare(&cmpConf.BindInfoConf) { return false } return true } func (cfg *TcpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) cfg.BindInfoConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) } func (cfg *TcpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.BindInfoConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *TcpProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) cfg.BindInfoConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) } func (cfg *TcpProxyConf) CheckForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return err } return } func (cfg *TcpProxyConf) CheckForSvr() error { return nil } // UDP type UdpProxyConf struct { BaseProxyConf BindInfoConf } func (cfg *UdpProxyConf) Compare(cmp ProxyConf) bool { cmpConf, ok := cmp.(*UdpProxyConf) if !ok { return false } if !cfg.BaseProxyConf.compare(&cmpConf.BaseProxyConf) || !cfg.BindInfoConf.compare(&cmpConf.BindInfoConf) { return false } return true } func (cfg *UdpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) cfg.BindInfoConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) } func (cfg *UdpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.BindInfoConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *UdpProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) cfg.BindInfoConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) } func (cfg *UdpProxyConf) CheckForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *UdpProxyConf) CheckForSvr() error { return nil } // HTTP type HttpProxyConf struct { BaseProxyConf DomainConf Locations []string `json:"locations"` HttpUser string `json:"http_user"` HttpPwd string `json:"http_pwd"` HostHeaderRewrite string `json:"host_header_rewrite"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers"` } func (cfg *HttpProxyConf) Compare(cmp ProxyConf) bool { cmpConf, ok := cmp.(*HttpProxyConf) if !ok { return false } if !cfg.BaseProxyConf.compare(&cmpConf.BaseProxyConf) || !cfg.DomainConf.compare(&cmpConf.DomainConf) || strings.Join(cfg.Locations, " ") != strings.Join(cmpConf.Locations, " ") || cfg.HostHeaderRewrite != cmpConf.HostHeaderRewrite || cfg.HttpUser != cmpConf.HttpUser || cfg.HttpPwd != cmpConf.HttpPwd || len(cfg.Headers) != len(cmpConf.Headers) { return false } for k, v := range cfg.Headers { if v2, ok := cmpConf.Headers[k]; !ok { return false } else { if v != v2 { return false } } } return true } func (cfg *HttpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) cfg.DomainConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) cfg.Locations = pMsg.Locations cfg.HostHeaderRewrite = pMsg.HostHeaderRewrite cfg.HttpUser = pMsg.HttpUser cfg.HttpPwd = pMsg.HttpPwd cfg.Headers = pMsg.Headers } func (cfg *HttpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.DomainConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } var ( tmpStr string ok bool ) if tmpStr, ok = section["locations"]; ok { cfg.Locations = strings.Split(tmpStr, ",") } else { cfg.Locations = []string{""} } cfg.HostHeaderRewrite = section["host_header_rewrite"] cfg.HttpUser = section["http_user"] cfg.HttpPwd = section["http_pwd"] cfg.Headers = make(map[string]string) for k, v := range section { if strings.HasPrefix(k, "header_") { cfg.Headers[strings.TrimPrefix(k, "header_")] = v } } return } func (cfg *HttpProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) cfg.DomainConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) pMsg.Locations = cfg.Locations pMsg.HostHeaderRewrite = cfg.HostHeaderRewrite pMsg.HttpUser = cfg.HttpUser pMsg.HttpPwd = cfg.HttpPwd pMsg.Headers = cfg.Headers } func (cfg *HttpProxyConf) CheckForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.DomainConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *HttpProxyConf) CheckForSvr() (err error) { if vhostHttpPort == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("type [http] not support when vhost_http_port is not set") } if err = cfg.DomainConf.checkForSvr(); err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] domain conf check error: %v", cfg.ProxyName, err) return } return } // HTTPS type HttpsProxyConf struct { BaseProxyConf DomainConf } func (cfg *HttpsProxyConf) Compare(cmp ProxyConf) bool { cmpConf, ok := cmp.(*HttpsProxyConf) if !ok { return false } if !cfg.BaseProxyConf.compare(&cmpConf.BaseProxyConf) || !cfg.DomainConf.compare(&cmpConf.DomainConf) { return false } return true } func (cfg *HttpsProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) cfg.DomainConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) } func (cfg *HttpsProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.DomainConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *HttpsProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) cfg.DomainConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) } func (cfg *HttpsProxyConf) CheckForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } if err = cfg.DomainConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *HttpsProxyConf) CheckForSvr() (err error) { if vhostHttpsPort == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("type [https] not support when vhost_https_port is not set") } if err = cfg.DomainConf.checkForSvr(); err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("proxy [%s] domain conf check error: %v", cfg.ProxyName, err) return } return } // STCP type StcpProxyConf struct { BaseProxyConf Role string `json:"role"` Sk string `json:"sk"` } func (cfg *StcpProxyConf) Compare(cmp ProxyConf) bool { cmpConf, ok := cmp.(*StcpProxyConf) if !ok { return false } if !cfg.BaseProxyConf.compare(&cmpConf.BaseProxyConf) || cfg.Role != cmpConf.Role || cfg.Sk != cmpConf.Sk { return false } return true } // Only for role server. func (cfg *StcpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) cfg.Sk = pMsg.Sk } func (cfg *StcpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } cfg.Role = section["role"] if cfg.Role != "server" { return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: proxy [%s] incorrect role [%s]", name, cfg.Role) } cfg.Sk = section["sk"] if err = cfg.LocalSvrConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *StcpProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) pMsg.Sk = cfg.Sk } func (cfg *StcpProxyConf) CheckForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } if cfg.Role != "server" { err = fmt.Errorf("role should be 'server'") return } return } func (cfg *StcpProxyConf) CheckForSvr() (err error) { return } // XTCP type XtcpProxyConf struct { BaseProxyConf Role string `json:"role"` Sk string `json:"sk"` } func (cfg *XtcpProxyConf) Compare(cmp ProxyConf) bool { cmpConf, ok := cmp.(*XtcpProxyConf) if !ok { return false } if !cfg.BaseProxyConf.compare(&cmpConf.BaseProxyConf) || !cfg.LocalSvrConf.compare(&cmpConf.LocalSvrConf) || cfg.Role != cmpConf.Role || cfg.Sk != cmpConf.Sk { return false } return true } // Only for role server. func (cfg *XtcpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromMsg(pMsg) cfg.Sk = pMsg.Sk } func (cfg *XtcpProxyConf) UnmarshalFromIni(prefix string, name string, section ini.Section) (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } cfg.Role = section["role"] if cfg.Role != "server" { return fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: proxy [%s] incorrect role [%s]", name, cfg.Role) } cfg.Sk = section["sk"] if err = cfg.LocalSvrConf.UnmarshalFromIni(prefix, name, section); err != nil { return } return } func (cfg *XtcpProxyConf) MarshalToMsg(pMsg *msg.NewProxy) { cfg.BaseProxyConf.MarshalToMsg(pMsg) pMsg.Sk = cfg.Sk } func (cfg *XtcpProxyConf) CheckForCli() (err error) { if err = cfg.BaseProxyConf.checkForCli(); err != nil { return } if cfg.Role != "server" { err = fmt.Errorf("role should be 'server'") return } return } func (cfg *XtcpProxyConf) CheckForSvr() (err error) { return } func ParseRangeSection(name string, section ini.Section) (sections map[string]ini.Section, err error) { localPorts, errRet := util.ParseRangeNumbers(section["local_port"]) if errRet != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: range section [%s] local_port invalid, %v", name, errRet) return } remotePorts, errRet := util.ParseRangeNumbers(section["remote_port"]) if errRet != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: range section [%s] remote_port invalid, %v", name, errRet) return } if len(localPorts) != len(remotePorts) { err = fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: range section [%s] local ports number should be same with remote ports number", name) return } if len(localPorts) == 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("Parse conf error: range section [%s] local_port and remote_port is necessary", name) return } sections = make(map[string]ini.Section) for i, port := range localPorts { subName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", name, i) subSection := copySection(section) subSection["local_port"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", port) subSection["remote_port"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", remotePorts[i]) sections[subName] = subSection } return } // if len(startProxy) is 0, start all // otherwise just start proxies in startProxy map func LoadAllConfFromIni(prefix string, conf ini.File, startProxy map[string]struct{}) ( proxyConfs map[string]ProxyConf, visitorConfs map[string]VisitorConf, err error) { if prefix != "" { prefix += "." } startAll := true if len(startProxy) > 0 { startAll = false } proxyConfs = make(map[string]ProxyConf) visitorConfs = make(map[string]VisitorConf) for name, section := range conf { if name == "common" { continue } _, shouldStart := startProxy[name] if !startAll && !shouldStart { continue } subSections := make(map[string]ini.Section) if strings.HasPrefix(name, "range:") { // range section rangePrefix := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "range:")) subSections, err = ParseRangeSection(rangePrefix, section) if err != nil { return } } else { subSections[name] = section } for subName, subSection := range subSections { if subSection["role"] == "" { subSection["role"] = "server" } role := subSection["role"] if role == "server" { cfg, errRet := NewProxyConfFromIni(prefix, subName, subSection) if errRet != nil { err = errRet return } proxyConfs[prefix+subName] = cfg } else if role == "visitor" { cfg, errRet := NewVisitorConfFromIni(prefix, subName, subSection) if errRet != nil { err = errRet return } visitorConfs[prefix+subName] = cfg } else { err = fmt.Errorf("role should be 'server' or 'visitor'") return } } } return } func copySection(section ini.Section) (out ini.Section) { out = make(ini.Section) for k, v := range section { out[k] = v } return }